Justin Bieber’s arrest latest sign of trouble
When he debuted five years ago, Justin Bieber was a mop-haired
heartthrob, clean cut and charming. But a series of troubling incidents
have put his innocent image at risk, and none more so than his arrest on
drunken-driving charges Thursday.
Police say they arrested a bleary-eyed Bieber — smelling of alcohol — after officers saw him drag-racing before dawn on a palm-lined residential street, his yellow Lamborghini traveling at nearly twice the speed limit.
The 19-year-old singer later admitted smoking marijuana, drinking and taking a prescription medication, police say. Unlike previous dustups, this arrest has him facing potential jail time.
Police say they arrested a bleary-eyed Bieber — smelling of alcohol — after officers saw him drag-racing before dawn on a palm-lined residential street, his yellow Lamborghini traveling at nearly twice the speed limit.
The 19-year-old singer later admitted smoking marijuana, drinking and taking a prescription medication, police say. Unlike previous dustups, this arrest has him facing potential jail time.